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Window Locks
Window locks are another essential security device to safeguard windows and prevent any unauthorized entry. This category includes locks to cover traditional sash windows and casement windows. Window locks can vary from having a standard lock to stop the windows from opening, but also products to restrict how far the windows can open.
Window Locks from SDS London
When you choose a new door for your home, SDS London can recommend matching furniture to complement the design of your door.
SDS London architectural ironmongery includes furniture for front doors, door handles, door knobs, hinges, letter plates, door knockers, door stops and coat hooks, plus everything else you need to tie the look together. Visit our London showrooms to see the products on display.
Casement Window Locks
Locks for casement windows in various styles and finishes.
Locks for sash windows in various styles and finishes.
Banham Window Locks & Additional Security
Banham window locks and security.
Keys for various window locks.